A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

I'm Krysta. I'm a travel addict and flight attendant. Seeing so many beautiful places in this great big world made me long to be able to take better photos of it.

With practice and guidance from my photographer husband, I'm slowly trying to learn the ropes of this photography world.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Some Big News!

All of this talk about babies... 

... I suppose I should share the news! 

We can't wait to welcome a new member into our family this summer!  


My husband and I recently returned from a trip to Japan! It was a great experience and so much fun to experience somewhere truly "foreign" together. Before this we'd mostly traveled solo! 

Sweet Baby Kailey

My cousin Ashley has the sweetest little girl! I just can't help but to snap photos of her every time that I visit!